
XXV Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, Coimbra

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SPE meeting 2023: XXIV Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society

The XXV Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society will take place at the Departamento de Química da Universidade de Coimbra, located in the city of Coimbra, Portugal, from the 30th of August to 1st of September 2023.


Important dates:

  • Abstract submission opens: April 15th, 2023
  • Abstract submission: July 10th, 2023
  • Decision of acceptance: July 24th, 2023
  • Early registration: July 31st, 2023


More informations available in the conference webpage




For previous news visit: http://electroquimica.pt/news
For previous SPE congresses visit: 


Prof. Armando Pombeiro elected member of Academia Europaea

The SPE Vice-President has been elected member of Academia Europaea. 

This is the 1st election of a Portuguese scholar to the Chemical Sciences Section.

Find more information here.




SPE President and Vice-President are members of Academia das Ciências

The President of SPE, Prof. Maria Fátima Guedes Silva, was elected for the Academy of Sciences, as a corresponding member in the Chemistry section.

The official ceremony will take place on the 7th of July 2022.

Now, the SPE Directive Board have two members in this prestigious institution.




Nota de falecimento - Professor José Luís Costa Lima



   É com enorme pesar que partilhamos a triste notícia do falecimento do Professor José Luis Fontes da Costa Lima, Professor Emérito da Universidade do Porto.

   O Professor Costa Lima era uma personalidade de renome na área da Química, tendo sido professor e Diretor da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto.

   Foi recentemente laureado com o Prémio SPE relativo ao ano de 2020. Este prémio distingue investigadores de reconhecido mérito científico em Eletroquímica e que tenham contribuído para o desenvolvimento da nossa sociedade.

   A SPE expressa as mais sentidas condolências à família do Professor Costa Lima e amigos.




Season's Greetings SPE

Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquimica whishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Open and see SPE season's greetings postcard. Sound on!




Mariano Gago Award: A new Luso-French cooperation program

For those who are already engaged in a cooperation with a French partner and wish to get support for its further development, you can to apply by proceeding as indicated in the Award website.

The call is already open.

Download the aplication form here



SPE meeting 2021: XXIV Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society

The XXIV Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society will take place at the Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, located in the city of Tomar, Portugal, from 20 to 22 October 2021.


Important dates:

Abstract submission: July 31st, 2021 September 13th, 2021
Decision of acceptance: August 20th, 2021 September 15th, 2021
Early registration: September 10th, 2021 October 5th, 2021


More informations available in the conference webpage




For previous news visit: http://electroquimica.pt/news
For previous SPE congresses visit:



8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress @ Centro de Congressos de Lisboa (Antiga FIL), Portugal, from 30 August to 3 September 2020

Todos os sócios da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica usufruem de um desconto de 100 euros no valor da inscrição.


Este preço não está anunciado na página do congresso, pelo que:

- se forem simultaneamente sócios da SPQ, logo que iniciem o processo de inscrição (e sendo validado o vosso estatuto de sócio da SPQ) o valor da inscrição surge 100 euros mais baixo do que o preço para os restantes participantes;

- se não forem simultaneamente sócios da SPQ, deverão informar a SPQ do vosso estatuto de sócios da SPE para acederem ao referido desconto.


Check deadlines @ https://www.euchems2020.org/




SPE iniciatives participation: International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT2019)


SPE is a member of the national comission for the celebrations of the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT2019).

Keep updated with all the events and informations here

For previous SPE activities visit: http://www.electroquimica.pt/news?tag=Activities




SPE on the media: Artigo jornalístico acerca da SPE com o título “Fomentar o papel da Eletroquímica, em Portugal e no mundo”

Já está disponível nas bancas, no suplemento "Perspetivas" do Jornal "Público", ou pode ler a versão digital aqui (Pags. 36-37).

For previous news visit: http://electroquimica.pt/news

